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Partitioning GPU into MIG (Multi-Instance GPU)

  1. Drain the node.

  2. Run the command to convert ALL GPUs to MIGs:

Terminal window
sudo nvidia-smi -mig 1
  1. Install nvidia-mig-parted on the node.

  2. Install nvidia-mig-manager on the node. You can find the installation details here.

  3. Create a config.yaml file for the node and place it in /etc/nvidia-mig-manager/config.yaml. Example:

version: v1
- devices: all
mig-enabled: true
1g.10gb: 7
- devices: all
mig-enabled: true
1g.10gb: 7

You can also SSH into an existing MIG node and run sudo nvidia-mig-parted export.

  1. Test persistence with reboots to ensure MIG settings are retained.

  2. Don’t forget to uncordon the node.