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SENSE/Multus L2 Path Provisioning

Follow these steps to provision an L2 path using SENSE and Multus.

Step 1: Verify SENSE Path

Ensure that a plumbed SENSE path exists between the source and destination (e.g., two NRP nodes or an NRP node and FABRIC Facility Port). Contact Nautilus Support on Matrix if necessary.

Step 2: Configure the Node

On the relevant node, execute the following commands, replacing placeholders with actual values:

Terminal window
# Add a MACVLAN interface
sudo ip link add link <interface> name <macvlan> type macvlan mode bridge
# Assign an IPv6 address
sudo ip -6 addr add <ipv6-address>/<prefix-length> dev <macvlan>
# Set the interface up
sudo ip link set up <macvlan>

Step 3: Create a Multus NetworkAttachmentDefinition

Define a Multus NetworkAttachmentDefinition using the MACVLAN interface. Save the following YAML as network.yaml:

apiVersion: ""
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
name: macvlan-network
namespace: <namespace>
config: '{
"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
"type": "macvlan",
"master": "<interface>",
"mode": "bridge",
"ipam": {
"type": "static",
"addresses": [
"address": "<ipv6-address>/<prefix-length>",
"gateway": "<gateway-ip>"

Apply it:

Terminal window
kubectl apply -f network.yaml

Step 4: Create a Pod

Deploy a pod using the network. Save the following YAML as pod.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: macvlan-pod
namespace: <namespace>
annotations: macvlan-network
- name: test-container
image: alpine
command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep 3600"]
memory: "256Mi"
cpu: "500m"
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "250m"

Apply it:

Terminal window
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Step 5: Verify Connectivity

  1. Exec into the pod:
Terminal window
kubectl exec -it macvlan-pod -n <namespace> -- sh
  1. Test connectivity using ping6 or other tools.