Skip to contentGet involved in NRP
- Check out to understand terms, tools, and capabilities common to R&E networking performance measurement and monitoring.
- Review materials and videos from 2017 and 2018 National Research Platform Workshops at
- Familiarize yourself with tools that the National Engagement Performance and Outreach Center at IU EPOC has to offer.
- Discover a regional Research & Education network in your area to collaborate with and plan for cyberinfrastructure capabilities in your region.
- Deploy perfSONAR node and participate in at least one multi-institutional perfSONAR mesh that tests network performance
- Engage with Campus champions, CI facilitator, and/or other campus resources to identify campus scientific research and education drivers
- Participate in broader community conversations:
- Weekly NRP technical calls (open to all) every Thursday at 10:00 AM Pacific/1:00 PM Eastern. Sign up at list info.
- check out the NRP Matrix channel
- Campus Cyberinfrastructure Technical community calls. Sign-up for mail list hosted by Jason Zurawski at ESnet.
Docs, blogs and other links