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Ceph S3

To log into the Ceph control pod:

West Control Pod:

West Control Pod
kubectl exec -it -n rook $(kubectl get pods -n rook --selector=app=rook-ceph-tools --output=jsonpath={}) -- bash

East Control Pod:

East Control Pod
kubectl exec -it -n rook-east $(kubectl get pods -n rook-east --selector=app=rook-ceph-tools --output=jsonpath={}) -- bash

Central Control Pod:

Central Control Pod
kubectl exec -it -n rook-central $(kubectl get pods -n rook-central --selector=app=rook-ceph-tools --output=jsonpath={}) -- bash

Adding Users

Once logged into the Ceph control pod, run the command to add a user:

West Pool:

West Pool
radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=nautiluss3 --rgw-zone=nautiluss3 --rgw-zonegroup=nautiluss3 user create --uid <uid> --display-name "<name>" --email "<email>"

East Pool:

East Pool
radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=easts3 --rgw-zone=easts3 --rgw-zonegroup=easts3 user create --uid <uid> --display-name "<name>" --email "<email>"

Central Pool:

Central Pool
radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=centrals3 --rgw-zone=centrals3 --rgw-zonegroup=centrals3 user create --uid <uid> --display-name "<name>" --email "<email>"

The access_key and secret_key is in the output from the above command.

If the request is from the Matrix support channel, use the user’s nickname as uid, name as name and the email address as email.

Deleting Users’ Buckets

Terminal window
radosgw-admin bucket link --uid=USER --bucket=BUCKET
  • Replace USER with the admin’s ID.
  • Replace BUCKET with the name of the user’s bucket.

Step 2: Delete All Objects in the Bucket

Terminal window
rclone delete S3:bucket-name/ --transfers 1000 --checkers 2000 --disable ListR --progress
  • --transfers 1000: Number of parallel file transfers.
  • --checkers 2000: Number of simultaneous checks.
  • --disable ListR: Speeds up deletion by skipping recursive listing.
  • --progress: Shows progress.

Step 3: Remove the Bucket

Terminal window
rclone rmdir S3:bucket-name --progress