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ESnet SmartNIC FPGA - Development

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For the ipynb notebooks and slides, please see: the tutorial respository.

Development (Notebook 1/3): Writing and Testing a P4 Program

This notebook is Part 1 of the ESnet SmartNIC Tutorial on NRP series. It provides an example of cloning the esnet-smartnic-hw repository, and writing and testing a simple P4 program.

Test Environment

This notebook was tested on the National Research Platform (NRP) using the AMD/Xilinx Alveo U55C FPGA and Vivado 2023.1. The Kubernetes pods were provisioned by Coder.

This tutorial is built on the following software/respositories along with versions/commits:

Ubuntu 22.04 with Linux 5.15.0-153.
Vivado 2023.1 with the VitisNetowrkingP4 license.
The esnet-smartnic-hw repository.
The esnet-smartnic-fw repository.
The smartnic-dpdk-docker repository.
The xilinx-labtools-docker repository.

If you run into any issues, please refer to the official NRP Documentation, or reach out to us via Matrix or email.

Before using the ESnet SmartNIC tools, kindly review the official ESnet SmartNIC Copyright Notice.

For more documentation, please refer to some other documentations that we have authored:

1. The tutorial on my GitHub

2. The FABRIC Testbed ESnet SmartNIC docs: FABRIC ESnet SmartNIC docs

3. The video tutorial on my YouTube

Technical Information for Reproducing This Experiment in a Different Environment

  1. ESnet SmartNIC Tool Stack

After building the ESnet SmartNIC tool stack, it runs as a Docker Compose stack. Therefore, you need a system capable of running docker-compose. We’ve tested this on multiple baremetal and KVM environments. For Kubernetes, we use sysbox to run rootless Docker-in-Docker, allowing docker-compose to run within the crio runtime without exposing a Docker daemon socket from the host.

The FABRIC Testbed Guide explains how to pass Alveo FPGAs into a KVM VM.

  1. Vivado Software Requirements

The ESnet SmartNIC tool stack requires Vivado software (with the correct version) for development purposes only. This version depends on the commits from the esnet repositories. The National Research Platform offers centralized Xilinx tools (Vitis, Vivado, Vitis_HLS, etc.) served from a Ceph storage pool, along with a floating license server.

If you prefer not to use Coder, you can request access to the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for your namespace by contacting the Operations team (contact via Matrix).

  1. Licensing Information

Proper licensing is required. When provisioning from Coder, the licensing server is already configured. Other namespaces or environments can access and point to the license server at:


You can use NRP’s setup for software-only use cases, such as building FPGA artifacts for other environments (e.g., FABRIC, CC).

  1. Flashing FPGAs

Reprogramming FPGAs (e.g., for P4 OpenNIC Shell, XRT, etc.) requires a JTAG-over-USB connection to the devices. For Alveo devices, this necessitates an external USB connection to the host server (in this case, the Kubernetes node). The pods provisioned for FPGA tasks will have the USB connection passed through using the Smarter Device Manager.

Flashing requires a power cycle of the host server (node), which must be coordinated with the Operations team. Please contact us if flashing is required for your work.

  1. FPGA Availability on NRP

At the time of writing, there are 32 Alveo U55C FPGAs on NRP, all available on the Nautilus cluster at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. These FPGAs are located on PNRP nodes following the naming convention:

  1. SmartNIC Configuration

The FPGAs can be programmed as SmartNICs, and in some cases, users may expose them as network interfaces. Pods that handle network operations require special capabilities, such as CAP_NET_RAW. These capabilities are pre-configured in Coder, but if you are running outside of Coder, you will need to define these capabilities explicitly.

  1. DPDK Requirements

Running DPDK requires both hugepages and IOMMU passthrough. These are provided on nodes hosting FPGAs.

  1. Privileges for ESnet SmartNIC Stack

The ESnet SmartNIC stack performs privileged tasks (e.g., binding and unbinding from devices), which require extra privileges on the host node. These privileges are available in Coder. If you are setting up in your own namespace, please reach out for assistance.

Important: Misuse of these privileges will violate our Acceptable Use Policy and may result in immediate account suspension and accountability measures.

The ESnet SmartNIC framework provides an entire workflow to program AMD/Xilinx Alveo FPGA cards using P4. The ESnet framework is open-source and available on GitHub. ESnet is a high-performance network that supports scientific research. The ESnet team created the framework that seamlessly integrates AMD/Xilinx tools along with various tools like DPDK to provide an easy way of programming Alveo cards as SmartNICs. The framework runs in docker containers as demonstrated in this Jupyter Notebook.

Step 1: Set up environment

Remove any pre-existing clones of the tutorial repo.

Terminal window
rm -rf ~/esnet-smartnic/esnet-smartnic-hw
Terminal window

If the above command doesn’t show a bash version, you may be running with a Python kernel. Please switch to a Bash kernel.

Terminal window
mkdir -p ~/esnet-smartnic
cd ~/esnet-smartnic

Clone the esnet-smartnic-hw repository from ESnet. Checkout at the latest tested commit.

Step 2: Clone the reposirtory

Terminal window
git clone
cd esnet-smartnic-hw
git checkout d3782445ce5f090ca955693a98ce68f96b68943c
git submodule update --init --recursive
sudo apt install python3-yaml python3-jinja2 python3-click -y
pip3 install -r esnet-fpga-library/tools/regio/requirements.txt

You can see the contents of the repository. The examples directory has multiple examples to show.

Terminal window
cd examples/p4_only

Running make in the p4_only directory will build the artifacts, which is a zip package containing the compiled bitstream and all other necessary files to run on the FPGA.

The sim directory has the simulation-related files.

Terminal window
cd p4

Step 3: P4 Experiments

Terminal window
cat p4_only.p4
Terminal window
cp ../../../../assets/p4_only.p4 .
cat p4_only.p4
Terminal window
source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/
export XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE=2100@xilinxd.xilinx-dev
Terminal window
cd sim
head test-fwd-p0/packets_in.user
Terminal window
cp -r test-fwd-p0 test-fwd-p1
sed -i 's/^P4BM_DIRS = test-fwd-p0$/P4BM_DIRS = test-fwd-p0 test-fwd-p1/' Makefile
sed -i 's/^\(P4BM_DIR = test-fwd-p0\)/# \1/' Makefile
Terminal window
Terminal window
ls test-fwd-p1
Terminal window
head test-fwd-p1/packets_in.user
head test-fwd-p1/packets_out.user
Terminal window
python3 - <<EOF
from scapy.all import Ether, IP, wrpcap
# Generate 10 IPv4 packets with TTL values 1 to 10
packets = [Ether() / IP(dst="", ttl=ttl) for ttl in range(1, 11)]
# Save the packets to the specified pcap file
wrpcap("test-fwd-p1/packets_in.pcap", packets)
print("PCAP file 'test-fwd-p1/packets_in.pcap' created with 10 Ethernet+IPv4 packets, TTLs 1-10")
Terminal window
make clean
rm -rf test-fwd-p1/packets_in.user
ls test-fwd-p1
Terminal window
tshark -r test-fwd-p1/packets_in.pcap -T tabs
Terminal window
tshark -r test-fwd-p1/packets_in.pcap -T tabs
tshark -r test-fwd-p1/packets_in.pcap -T fields -e ip.ttl
Terminal window
tshark -r test-fwd-p1/packets_out.pcap -T tabs
tshark -r test-fwd-p1/packets_out.pcap -T fields -e ip.ttl

Step 4: Control Plane Table Entries

Terminal window
cat test-fwd-p1/packets_in.meta
Terminal window
cat test-fwd-p1/packets_out.meta

Now we reach the end of writing a P4 program and testing it against custom PCAP files. In the next notebook, we will be building the artifacts from the P4 logic.

This notebook is part 1 out of 3 in the ESnet SmartNIC Tutorial on NRP series.

This was last modified on March 4th, 2025.

For any inquiries, questions, feedback, please contact: