Stanford U.
Anshul Kundaje
conda, keras, tensorflow, scikit-learn, scipy
Peer-reviewed journal publications, conference proceedings
EM with Bias-Corrected Calibration is Hard-To-Beat at Label Shift Adaptation
Alexandari A, Kundaje A*, Shrikumar A*
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.06852, 2019 Jan 21
(Accepted to ICML 2020)
Integrating regulatory DNA sequence and gene expression to predict genome-wide chromatin accessibility across cellular contexts
Nair S, Kim DS, Perricone J, Kundaje A
Bioinformatics, Volume 35, Issue 14, July 2019, Pages i108–i116, (PMID: 31510655)
(Proceedings of ISMB 2019)
The Kipoi repository accelerates community exchange and reuse of predictive models for genomics
Avsec Ž, Kreuzhuber R, Israeli J, Xu N, Cheng J, Shrikumar A, Banerjee A, Kim DS, Beier T, Urban L, Kundaje A*, Stegle O*, Gagneur J*
Nat Biotechnol. 2019 May 28 DOI: 10.1038/s41587-019-0140-0 (PMID: 31138913)
Kipoi: accelerating the community exchange and reuse of predictive models for regulatory genomics
Avsec Z, Kreuzhuber R, Israeli J, Cheng J, Urban L, Banerjee A, Xu N, Shrikumar A, Ouwehand WH, Kundaje A*, Stegle O*, Gagneur J*
ICML 2018 Workshop for Computational Biology
BPNet: Learning single-nucleotide resolution predictive models of in vivo transcription factor binding from ChIP-nexus data
Avsec Z, Israeli J, Fropf R, Weilert M, Zeitlinger J, Kundaje A
ICML 2018 Workshop for Computational Biology
Fourier-transform-based attribution priors improve the interpretability and stability of deep learning models for genomics
Tseng AM, Shrikumar A, Kundaje A
bioRxiv 2020.06.11.147272; doi:
Single-cell epigenomic identification of inherited risk loci in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
Corces MR, Shcherbina A, Kundu S, Gloudemans MJ, Fresard L, Granja JM, Louie BH, Shams S, Bagdatli ST, Mumbach MR, Liu B, Montine KS, Greenleaf WJ, Kundaje A, Montgomery SB, Chang HY, Montine TJ
bioRxiv 2020.01.06.896159; doi:
Learning cis-regulatory principles of ADAR-based RNA editing from CRISPR-mediated mutagenesis
Liu X, Sun T, Shcherbina A, Li Q, Kappel K, Jarmoskaite I, Ramaswami G, Das R, Kundaje A*, Li JB*
bioRxiv 840884; doi:
A genome-wide almanac of co-essential modules assigns function to uncharacterized genes
Wainberg M, Kamber RA, Balsubramani A, Meyers RM, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Hornburg D, Jiang L, Chan J, Jian R, Gu M, Shcherbina A, Dubreuil MM, Spees K, Snyder MP, Kundaje A*, Bassik MC*
bioRxiv 827071; doi:
Deep learning at base-resolution reveals motif syntax of the cis-regulatory code
Avsec Ž, Weilert M, Shrikumar A, Alexandari A, Krueger S, Dalal K, Fropf R, McAnany C, Gagneur J, Kundaje A*, Zeitlinger J*
bioRxiv 737981; doi:
TF-MoDISco v0.4.4.2-alpha: Technical Note
Shrikumar A, Tian K, Shcherbina A, Avsec Z, Banerjee A, Sharmin M, Nair S, Kundaje A
ArXiv e-prints:1811.00416, 2018 Nov 1
A Flexible and Adaptive Framework for Abstention Under Class Imbalance
Shrikumar A, Alexandari A, Kundaje A
ArXiv e-prints [Internet]. 2018 Feb 20